Struggling to Stay Vegan? Here’s Why 

Being vegan is more than just a diet; it’s an identity, a lifestyle, and a way of living. Yet there is a horrifying statistic floating round that states a whopping 84% of vegans and vegetarians give up on this lifestyle

My hope by writing this article is not at all to shame anyone struggling with their plant-based lifestyle. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. We are all doing the best we can, and my hope is that if you are struggling, you can relate to some of these examples, and that this post can help to inspire and support you to maintain a vegan lifestyle.

You may feel as though you are surrounded by flawless, perfect vegans. Yet it is important to remember that what you are seeing is not an accurate representation of the truth – it’s just how people are portraying themselves online. Being vegan requires serious commitment and dedication, and we all slip up at times. It’s just about doing our best. Any attempt is infinitely better than none at all, and if we can all make some positive changes, the world will be a better place!

If you’re struggling to stay vegan, here are some barriers you may be facing:

The primary motivation for your diet is your health
Don’t get me wrong, health reasons are great ones to lead a vegan lifestyle, but if these reasons are your only ones, you may find your motivation is waning. The health reasons for going vegan are very well-documented. Health reasons are a great way to kickstart your lifestyle, especially when you start to feel really clear and energetic, however it’s also really important to connect more deeply to the lifestyle. Take the time to do some research; make the lifestyle something you really believe in. Watch Cowspiracy, Dominion and A Plastic Ocean. Connect to the mass scale atrocities of animal exploitation and environmental havoc that are being wreaked on the planet. That way, saying HELLS YES to a vegan lifestyle over time becomes much easier!

Lack of support from loved ones 
As humans our relationships are some of the most important things in our lives. This means that feeling supported by friends and family can have a huge impact on the success of our vegan lifestyle. It definitely gets tiring to always feel as though your diet is a burden on your nearest and dearest, or always having to cook for yourself. Feeling like the odd one out is definitely difficult and I sympathise deeply with you! I wish I could say it will be an easy run, but chances are this barrier is a long term one to climb over. But you’ll get there. You may get teased, but break the stereotype and help educate people! Try not to be too pushy, take the time to cook delicious meals for your friends and family, and let them see how you thrive over time.

It’s difficult when you eat out
Over time it can get easy to be lazy, especially when you’re out and there isn’t always a vegan option. Convenience is a big factor in our lives, especially in today’s fast-paced society. My tips to conquering this hurdle are straight forward – plan ahead; try to ensure that the restaurant you are frequenting has a good, vegan option and if not, ask them if they can modify any of the meals to suit you. Most venues tend to be highly accommodating – and if not, they don’t deserve your business!

You’re struggling with what to cook
For most of us, a whole foods, plant-based diet is a very different one from the one on which we were raised. This can mean that thinking of vegan meals to make for dinner doesn’t come to us very intuitively. However, I urge you to think about this lifestyle as an opportunity to explore new flavours and new recipes. Get excited! This lifestyle is an opportunity to learn to cook new, exciting and delicious meals for yourself and your loved ones. If you need a place to start, there are a whole bunch of recipes on my website for you to check out. Take a look at my favourite go-to recipesmy top winter warmers and my favourite recipes for your festive season.  

Your knowledge needs boosting
An important part of leading a long-term, cruelty free lifestyle is getting educated and getting curious about the incredible impact you are having. A lack of knowledge can take a serious toll on the success of your lifestyle and can be a major contributor if you’re struggling to stay vegan. The good news is that the more you educate yourself, the more you realise that you are doing an epic thing for yourself, for the animals and for our planet! There are so many great resources online – my website is the perfect place to start. Check out some of my favourite articles:

Now chin up! Struggling is not a bad thing; it simply is an opportunity for growth. Go easy on yourself, and don’t punish yourself when you slip up. We all do it! Take the time each day to remember your WHY. And, from the bottom of my heart – THANKYOU. You are doing an incredible job and making this crazy world of ours just that little bit brighter.

Plants forever baby, plants forever!

Dara x

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