Been Drinking? Late Night Hacks to Prevent a Hangover  

Bottles of champagne and nights on the D floor are all fun and games until you wake up the next morning with a pounding head and overwhelming nausea. We’ve all been there, and we all know that hangovers are absolutely no fun at all. With symptoms of headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, hangovers can feel like a rough price to pay for an evening of fun. With that being said, hangovers are actually your body’s way of processing the poison you have imposed upon it, so my pity for this self-inflicted condition extends only so far.  

Fortunately, there are some things we can all do to help reduce the severity of a hangover.

Drink two LARGE glasses of water
You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again – drinking two large glasses of water before you go to sleep is one of the best things you can do. Alcohol is a diuretic and as such, causes severe dehydration. Drinking water before you go to bed can drastically help reduce the effects of a hangover.

Two words: avocado toast
Make yourself some avocado and vegemite toast when you get home. Eating starchy carbs and healthy fats helps to absorb the alcohol and serves to line your stomach with something more nutrient dense. The B vitamins in vegemite are also important in helping breakdown and eliminate the alcohol from your body. 

Whip out your oils
Another great hangover hack is to load up with essential oils before you hit the hay (and when you wake up too). My top recommendations would be to rub digize oil on your stomach, peppermint on the back of your neck, and of course use trusty lavender to help ease you into a peaceful slumber.

Take a shower 
Before you go to bed, make sure you take a shower. I don’t know about you, but waking up to the stench of my smoke-filled hair and lemonade-covered limbs is always sure to increase the nausea. Trust me, your future self will thank you.

Pop a multivitamin
Multivitamins tend to contain vitamin B6, a handy little tool when it comes to sore heads. Whilst it won’t cure the hangover itself, it will help reduce the symptoms. In fact, one study showed that vitamin B6 helped reduce hangover symptoms by up to 50%.

Take a walk
If you live nearby the party venue, make the decision to walk home – granted, of course, that you are with a group of mates. This helps boost oxygen to your brain and releases endorphins, which will help to counter that lovely alcohol coursing through your body.

Replace the lost electrolytes
Instead of swinging past Maccas on the way home for your big mac meal, grab a gatorade from the servo instead. Gatorade contains much-needed electrolytes and will help restore your body back to balance.

Don’t set your alarm
Sleep is one of the best ways to get rid of your hangover, so make sure you don’t set your alarm the next morning. We all know that time is the main thing that will ease your woes, and I assure you that time spent sleeping during this period will be much more comfortable than time spent with your head down the toilet!

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