5 Life Hacks for the Busy Vegan

Life is busy! I totally understand this, and I also know how much more smoothly my week runs when I’m on top of my game and have set aside some time to get prepared. These are 5 of my top life hacks for the busy vegan – incorporate these into your weekly routine and you will find yourself leading a healthier, more inspired plant-based life!

1. Dedicate a day for food prep
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: preparation is everything! This rings even more true when you are caught up in the busy flow of life. Dedicating a day to food prep is a game changer; for me this is usually a Sunday, and I’ll spend the afternoon mapping out some key meals I want to eat the following week and doing a few batches of meals. Sure, it takes more time on that day, but it saves you so much time during the week and ensures that you have easy access to healthy, vegan meals. Some of my favourite things to whip up on a weekend are a big batch of hummus, quinoa, energy balls and granola. Food prepping is KEY!

2. Explore pre-made meals
Lately I’ve been exploring the world of pre-made meals. They’re perfect for nights when you don’t feel like cooking, or when you just need to eat something quick and hassle-free. Lately I’ve been reaching for the meals from Ruffie Rustic Foods. My favourite so far has been the portobello mushroom risotto. It’s pretty epic that you can now get meals that feel and taste incredibly wholesome, but also make eating plant-based easy breezy!

3. Discover your local produce markets
When life is busy, keeping the fridge stocked with delicious, fresh produce becomes all the more important. By discovering your local produce markets and incorporating a weekly trip as part of your routine, you will be able to stock up on all the goodies in one go and therefore save a heap of time during the week. I’m super passionate about produce markets – they’re an excellent way to support local farmers and producers, they help keep you in touch with the seasons and they provide you with access to the freshest, healthiest produce. It’s a win on all fronts.

4. Line up some podcasts
Life hack #4 – make sure you’re inspired. Once every week or two take a few minutes to download a bunch of podcasts that you can listen to when you’re driving, running errands or doing some of life’s more mundane tasks, like folding the washing or doing the dishes. This is one of my favourite life hacks for busy vegans. It means that you are learning and using your brain whilst being productive and getting things done! Podcasts are a great way to keep inspired about the vegan cause and will help you stay really excited about the lifestyle choices you are making.

5. Choose your supplements wisely
And last but not least – choose your supplements wisely. This is a non-negotiable for the busy vegan.

Having chosen and curated a routine that includes the perfect supplements for you means that you don’t need to spend time worrying about whether or not you’re getting the right nutrition – you know that you are! As vegans, we definitely need to be conscious of our nutrition. This includes things like ensuring we are getting adequate supplies of iron, calcium and B12. To learn more about some of my favourite vegan supplement ranges, check out this article I wrote!

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