19 Self Reflection Questions About 2019

Christmas is done and dusted, and it’s time to ring in the new year. We’re busy setting our New Year’s Resolutions and goals for 2020, but what about taking the time to reflect on our 2019?

A year is a solid chunk of time – a time where we had achievements, downfalls and huge adventures. Self-reflection is one of my favourite tools of self-development. It allows us to look back and think about where we went well, where we can improve, and what we have learnt. It lets us recognise our accomplishments and reflect upon our mistakes. Only by reflecting on these can we leverage them to help us improve ourselves and our upcoming year. By taking the time to ask yourself all the important questions, you build a better understanding of yourself and gain awareness into what makes you tick.

One of the best ways to review your year is to ask yourself a bunch of questions about different aspects of your life. Be honest with yourself and go easy – this is a time to reflect without judgement. Here are 19 questions to ask yourself about the year that has gone by. Grab a pen, pour yourself a cuppa and let’s get started!

  1. What are 2 of your greatest accomplishments from this past year?

  2. What are 2 things that really challenged you this year? These can be career-oriented, relationship-based, health issues etc.

  3. Name 2 things you completely failed at this year.

  4. What did you learn from these failures?

  5. How was your self-talk when you experienced this failure? How can you control it better?

  6. What old behavioural patterns held you back this year?

  7. What new habits did you create? 

  8. What is one thing you wish you did this year but didn’t because you were afraid?

  9. How did you show kindness to yourself this year? This could be nourishing your body, your spirit or your mind.

  10. How did you manage your financial situation this year?

  11. Did you reach your career goals this year? Why / why not?

  12. Where did you feel most inspired this year?

  13. Where do you feel most uninspired and stuck?

  14. What are some acts of kindness you have done for others this year?

  15. Write down 3 occasions where you felt most alive.

  16. Name 5 people that you would love to spend more time with this coming year?

  17. What was the biggest relationship accomplishment you achieved this year?

  18. How can you improve your relationships next year?

  19. What have you been most grateful for this year?

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